“Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) for the Utilization of the Lakes of Western Macedonia” Programme

Water, the source of life, now becomes a springboard for progress through an Integrated Territorial Investment that embraces the emblematic lakes of Western Macedonia: Prespes, Amyntaios, Kastoria, and Aliakmonas.

Progress of Actions and Projects
Initial Planning Inclusion in a Funding Programme Infrastructure Marketing Plan - Digital Strategy Entrepreneurship Destination Management & Marketing Organisation (DMO)


The approved Regional Operational Programme for Western Macedonia 2014-2020 includes an intervention in the lake areas of the Region via the “Integrated Territorial Investment for the Utilization of the Lakes of Western Macedonia”. The main objective of the ITI for the limnic systems, which include surface waters and their natural or artificial systems, is that they act as vehicles for the growth of the wider Region. The needs to be met by the ITI include the protection and subsequent rational exploitation of the lakes of Western Macedonia, as well as the integration of the lake ecosystems in the region’s production system.

Poles of Attraction

Pole of Prespes

Pole of Amyntaios Lakes

Pole of Kastoria

Pole of Aliakmonas Lakes


36.6 million euros, of which 35.2 million will be provided by the European Regional Development Fund and 1.4 million by the by the European Social Fund.